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When did life change so much? One kid become two? Stay at mom become stay at mom and worker? Errands become errands and more errands because they are never finished? Seven become seven and eleven?

Wait... I may have gotten a little off track with that last one.

Life is always so crazy it seems that one you finally get used to it, something changes. That's what pake is. Something you're not used to but it can totally work.

A pake: half pie, half cake. Don't worry, we're not talking apple pie with frosting. It's a pie crust with red velvet cake and cream cheese frosting.

Now this is a learning lesson. The original recipe I used is from Lifetime. It was originally made on a show called "Drop Dead Diva". Total chic show but it was fun. The only thing it that whatever world they cook in, cakes rise several inches. Here in the normal world? Not so much. I've modified the recipe slightly below.

Pie Crust - Either make your own or walk down the freezer aisle like I do
Cake Mix - Here I used Red Velvet
Frosting - I used Cream Cheese frosting
Eggs and Vegetable Oil - As specified for your mix

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and prepare your cake batter as according the directions on the box or recipe.
2. Line either your pie pan OR a cake pan with the pie crust. I used a pie pan but I think a cake pan would be way cuter on display. Once lined, gently poke holes along the bottom, taking extra caution not to poke all the way through.
3. Pour cake batter up to 1/2 inch from top. I would say you could go higher depending on how much you'd like it to rise above your pie crust.
4. The box mix "theoretically" makes two pakes but since I had 9 inch pie pans it was 1 normal size and 1 much smaller one. I include this as a step to warn.
5. Bake for 35 minutes then turn oven down to 325 degrees and continue to cook for another 12-15 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.
6. Allow to cool completely and then frost.
7. Enjoy your pake!


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