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Weekend Projects

UPDATE: 6-11-2013 I've since changed what the final project would be and made a planter bench out of pallets! Please check out the final project HERE.

Does anyone have a running list of projects? Is that something only I do? As long as at least one of you does I feel better.
In my phone I have this list, it has all the projects I'd like to do along with household chores that I consider projects. Cleaning the baseboards - that is totally a project, there is scrubbing and being on the floor for long periods of time. Definitely on the list. Making a new soap for the dish washer - project, tons of fun but not something that's usually done.

Lately, only with house repairs, I've added making a front porch swing to my list!

See, now the list sounds much more interesting.

I keep seeing all these pictures of pallets used in different ways.

pallets for benches {found at the johnston's}

pallets for roofs {found at colemans in love}

pallets for tables {found at joy ever after}

and if you are feeling extra crafty - pallets for a shed {found here}

I am not that ambitious. But I decided to build a cute little porch swing using a pallet. I just started but I wanted to show you what I'm doing. What I've done so far is found an old pallet, to your local hardware store and ask if they have any. They might let you have one! I bought some sand paper, a hand truck for sanding and some elbow grease.


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